Previous editions

AMB2015 – The first edition of EMA was held in Barcelona Metropolitan Area in March 2015 in which mayors, presidents and political representatives of 15 European metropoles discussed Metropolitan Governance and Territorial Competitiveness. This seminar defined the baseline for a common partnership, based on a political declaration adopted by the participants, in order to become more influential vis-à-vis national governments and the European Union.

TORINO2016 – The second annual forum was held in Torino on February 2016, with the participation of political representatives from 32 cities in 16 countries. The aim of this forum was to strengthen the strategic relationship between metropolitan authorities and work towards a common European Metropolitan Agenda. The debates focused on the structures of metropolitan governance and highlighted experiences from recent territorial governance reforms.

WARSAW2017 – The third EMA edition was held in Warsaw in October 2017 debating Metropolitan areas as drivers of development in EU policies. 25 cities and metropolitan areas discussed issues such as metropolitan solidarity, the role of metropolitan areas in the post-2020 EU Cohesion Policy, sharing best practices of collaboration among metropolitan areas, and key metropolitan challenges such as mobility, energy transition, air quality, job creation, social inclusion, housing, or economic development.